Happy Halloween you guys! Obviously Halloween is awesome (candy and costumes, need I say more?), but wouldn’t it be just slightly more amazing if it were a gift-giving holiday? Well, boom, it just became one, because these lovely ladies and I have teamed up with Sarah, and we’re giving away a $225 Kate Spade gift card! Happy Halloween – trick or treat yourself!
Rainstorms and Love Notes
a blog about life, love, food, travel and football
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Ashley Nevis
Configuration error or no pictures...
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October 31, 2013
Anthropologie would be fun!
October 31, 2013
I am obsessed with Kate Spade. Please, Heavens above, let me win.
For November, I’d say Target. Or Nordstroms!
October 31, 2013
I say Nordstroms! I could get myself into trouble there!
November 1, 2013
North Face please oh please! I want to go on an adventure!
Hanna Smith
November 3, 2013
Target of course!
November 4, 2013
Target. DUH! Get’s me in trouble every time!!!!