Weekend Snapshot

TJ and I are generally total homebodies. We both tend to get a little grouchy when we have too many things planned, or when we have to be away from the house for long stretches of time. It’s one of the things that just makes us work – neither of us wants to be out and about for extended periods of time, and we’re both content to spend a lot of time at home. Somehow, with the way things fell into place this weekend, we found ourselves booked solid for 90% of the whole weekend. For two homebodies, this can cause a little stress. You know what though? We had a great time! Even though we were jam packed, we had tons of fun, and really enjoyed spending time with our friends and family. And, it made coming home last night even sweeter than usual.

How did you spend your weekend?

1. We went to Joe’s Crab Shack to celebrate Kristin’s husband’s birthday on Friday night! The nearest one is almost 2 hours away, so the journey there and back is half the fun.
2. Saturday morning breakfast smoothie with spinach, strawberries, and pineapple. Recipe soon, maybe?
3. Breakfast themed cooking class that I scheduled as an anniversary present. We made omelettes, sausage, and French toast napoleons – everything was delicious, and it was a really fun activity to do together!
4.  After our class, we browsed around Southern Season for about an hour, trying not to buy everything in sight (ok, it was a little easier for TJ to resist than it was for me)
5. Just enough time for a quick nap on Saturday afternoon, where all 3 cats got (kind of) close!
6. New dress that I really want to wear every day.
7. We spent the night at my parents’ house on Saturday, and spent most of Sunday with them too, celebrating Father’s Day. My dad and I have been best buds since day one, and it was so fun to spend tons of time with them.
8. Sporting the color-changing nail polish that I talked about last week. I love how the pretty indoor coral color makes me look tan.

Linking up with a couple friends today!

Sami's Shenanigans

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