The Man Behind the Blog, Part 4

It’s my favorite post of the month, because TJ takes over and does all the work for me ๐Ÿ™‚ We missed last month’s edition of The Boys Behind the Blog, but this month we’re back in action. Alright, enough yapping by me – take it away, TJ!

1. Describe yourself in 5 words.
Always punctual and learning something
2. What is your biggest fear?
It seems the older I get, the more I’m scared to veer off of my routines – some things other than my normal routine stir fear up in me. ย Like traveling – I need to know what’s going on and what to expect and heights scare me more than they used to. ย I’d say traveling blindly is one of my biggest fears.
3. What is your favorite candy?
Refrigerated peppermint patties!
4. What was the best Halloween costume you’ve ever worn? (include pictures if you have them)
One year, Ashley and I were Mike Tomlin (me) and Troy Polamalu (Ashley). ย That was pretty fun.

Blurry, but still awesome

5. Who is your favorite football team?
Pittsburgh Steelers, although this year they are having a rough start!

Linking up with Mal & Stephanie!

  • Lauren @ Love is the Point
    October 17, 2013

    Now that’s an interesting fear! How unique. I never really thought about it before, but I’m pretty sure I can relate…

  • Kelsea
    October 17, 2013

    I love that he specifically said “refrigerated”…they really are better that way! Haha

  • Jordan
    October 17, 2013

    Growing up I absolutely loved flying… as an adult, I still do, but those “what ifs” definitely linger in my mind the entire flight! I agree it has to do with getting older and becoming more aware of things. Love the halloween costume, too funny!

  • Alex[andra]
    October 17, 2013

    Found you from the link-up. I was attracted to your blog by your man’s photo; my man is a pilot so we love hearing about other people’s experiences with flying! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your blog is so cute! I love the layout!

    These are great responses. Mmm.. I could totally go for a peppermint patty now.. that’s refrigerated!

  • Mallory
    October 17, 2013

    Yay! So glad to have you linking up this month! Those Steelers costumes are great!

  • Kate @ Another Clean Slate
    October 18, 2013

    Refrigerating the candy is definitely key!

  • Nikki @ Rural Rookie
    October 18, 2013

    Being a Pittsburgh girl myself, I LOVE the costumes ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Lex
    October 21, 2013

    Love. Love. Love that costume. Seriously – that couldn’t be more amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Megan C. Stroup
    October 29, 2013

    Great candy choice! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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