The Man Behind the Blog, Part 8

530115_10150847654977457_1487751078_nOnce a month, TJ takes over the blog for a day to participate in the Boys Behind the Blog linkup that Mal and Stephanie host. I love it, because he does all the work for me, and I think he secretly loves it too, so it’s win-win.

1. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
I really like Raleigh, it’s got nice weather and jobs – which is why I moved here back in 2007. It’s also affordable compared to some places, but also not as affordable as some other places, which is a little bit of a negative.

2. Sand or snow?
Either. Snow can be fun and when you don’t see it everyday, it’s exciting, especially since NC shuts down the city so you can just relax. Sand is nice too, although we don’t make it to the beach very often.

3. What Winter Olympic sport would you rock at?
I’d like to say snowboarding because it looks cool, although I’ve never tried it.

4. You’re cooking a romantic dinner- what is your go-to dish?
Either lemon chicken with green beans or a traditional steak dish.

5. Fill in the blank: This year, I gave Ashley a ____________________ for Valentine’s Day?
Perfume and a pillow. It doesn’t sound super romantic, but I listened to what she mentioned and surprised her with those things.
(Ashley here: I’ve seriously been complaining about wanting a fancy new pillow for a few months now, so it was an awesome surprise. Also, I’ve been sleeping better than ever since he gave it to me!)

  • Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate
    February 20, 2014

    Hello from the link up! 🙂 Sounds like you received the perfect Valentine’s Day gift!s! Very thoughtful 🙂

  • Laura Hyde
    February 20, 2014

    Visiting from the link-up. I love personal presents, they’re so much nicer than generic, typical gifts 🙂

  • Ashley @ Married to the Game
    February 20, 2014

    I just came across your blog through the linkup. My man would do steak too! I look forward to following along!

  • Kristin
    February 20, 2014

    I would love love love to live in NC, too!! Who wouldn’t!! I love these because we get to know our fav bloggers men!! Well, my dog answered the questions today, but….you know what I mean.

  • Gina
    February 20, 2014

    It’s so nice that he listens and surprises you with things you’ve mentioned.

  • Brianna
    February 20, 2014

    how sweet! its always the best when they get your presents and you know they’ve been listening to what you want/need 😉

  • Becca @ Becoming Adorrable
    February 20, 2014

    I would love a new pillow. I like it better when my guy gets me something I actually want rather than a box of chocolates or something. Good job, TJ!

  • Angie Agerter
    February 20, 2014

    Lemon chicken sounds so tasty!! And a new pillow, my kind of thing!!

  • Lauren
    February 20, 2014

    Don’t you just love when they actually listen to what we say? So novel!

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