This weekend was so good that I don’t really have any words to write a little intro paragraph about it. Does that make sense? It was so great that I just want to let the pictures and my captions do all the talking. Also, the Steelers are killing me, and that’s really all I have to say about that 🙂
Tell me about your weekend!
1. I upgraded to iOS 7, and I really like it. Did you upgrade? If so, what do you think about it?
2. I came home from work on Friday night to a pretty fall plant that TJ had ordered for me! It’s so pretty, and perfect for a girl like me who doesn’t really like typical flowers.
3. We took Riley on a ride to BJ’s on Friday night, and while TJ went into the store, I stayed in the car with her and let her out of her carrier to do a bit of exploring. She loved every second of it.
4. We might have gone a little crazy buying up some new fall scented candles at Bath and Body Works…
5. I had a doughnut for breakfast on Saturday, which is monumental, because I only like to have one about every 5 years. The last time I had a regular doughnut was in December 2007, so it was definitely time, and boy, it was delicious.
6. TJ and I did a bunch of work around the house this weekend – before and after pictures to come later in the week!
7. I also did a little crafting, so you guys will have a fall DIY post later in the week. I’m so full of teasers today.
8. While we were watching football on Sunday, TJ went into the kitchen, and came back with this note. I felt obligated to share, since “love notes” are listed in my blog title!
You know I’m linking up with Sami
September 23, 2013
looks like a fun/relaxing and enjoyable weekend!
Happy Monday! 🙂
September 23, 2013
A donut!?! I’m in shock!!! I’m glad you took a picture. Nick and I were just talking the other day about your dislike for donuts. I can’t wait to see the craft you made and the work you did at your house. Which candle scent is your favorite? I’m looking for a “fallish” one. See you tonight!
September 23, 2013
I love the update! And the Texans are killing me as well so I feel your pain!
September 23, 2013
You haven’t had a donut since 2007?!?!?!? That is crazy that 1) you remember the last time you had a donut and 2) that you haven’t had a donut in a really long time!!!
September 23, 2013
I upgraded my phone last night and LOVE it. I don’t really understand why people hate it so much. I always want to take my cat for car rides and my boyf always says no – I’m jealous that you get to do it! 🙂 And that donut? Looks heavenly. I am SUPER jealous. Also, let’s pretend like last night didn’t happen. Okay? Okay.
September 23, 2013
I am JEALOUS of your fall candle assortment – I must make a trip to bath & body works!! xo – chels @
September 23, 2013
I LOVE bath and body’s fall candles!
September 24, 2013
Awww I love so many of these! The love note is adorable and I want your candles! I have them on my to do list to buy ASAP I need some with yummy scents!
Kate | Diaries of an Essex Girl