Much like a few weeks ago, when my Weekend Snapshot writing mood was adversely affected by the Steelers game, I’m sitting here on Sunday night feeling amazing after an incredible Steelers win. Overall, the weekend was fantastic – lots of productivity around the house on Saturday, and then the exciting (and nerve-wracking) Steelers game on Sunday is leaving me incredibly satisfied with how the weekend played out. Now there’s just one more full week of work until our 5-day Thanksgiving weekend, and I am so excited. Happy Monday!
1. Date night at our local Mexican restaurant with my main man. I just love how incredibly excited he looks!
2. For a few adorable minutes, Riley and Taby were hanging out in the cat veranda together. Then Taby bit Riley and made her jump out. It was cute while it lasted!
3. Hot chocolate loaded with marshmallows and a peppermint stirring stick – my favorite cold weather treat.
4. We finally got around to hanging the incredible shot of the Chicago skyline that TJ gave me for our birthday. We honeymooned in Chicago, and the city will always have such a special place in our hearts.
5. I started working on my Christmas list using Wishpot. Such a cool and easy-to-use site.
6. Say what you want about our ridiculous throwback jerseys – the Steelers had a great game!
7. Because you can’t spell “wings” without “win”. These might be my new good luck game food.
8. I used Butter London polish (in Dahling) for the first time, and well, it really went on as smooth as butter.
Tell me about your weekend!
Linking up with Sami
November 18, 2013
Oooh, I need to go look at wishpot! Pretty nail color 🙂
November 18, 2013
Is the London Butter nail polish worth the price? I love nail polishes but I don’t want to pay more than what Essie costs since I change my nail polish all the time.
November 18, 2013
I want that hot chocolate! I’ve never even heard of a legit peppermint stirring stick. I thought it was a candy cane! Or is it?
November 18, 2013
hot cocoa and wings yes!
November 18, 2013
The Steelers looked a little bit like bees this weekend but a win is a win! 🙂 That hot chocolate looks delish!
November 18, 2013
What a great weekend! I had four cups of hot chocolate last week, I was super happy about it! 🙂 And those wings look delicious 🙂
November 18, 2013
Isn’t it sad/awesome how much the outcome of a football game can impact our moods?! 🙂 Glad you got mexican food, we did too! YUM!!
November 19, 2013
Yay Steelers! It was a fantastic game to go to, that’s for sure 🙂
November 20, 2013
My cat would LOVE to have her very own veranda, your sweet furkids are spoiled!