New Look!

Things are looking different around here, huh? On Friday afternoon, I started getting the itch for a new (yet similar) look, and TJ knocked it out of the park over the weekend. I wanted the overall look to be the same, but I wanted the design to look cleaner and newer. I absolutely love how it turned out!

So, what’s new? Well, a lot, but here are some of the biggest differences:

1. You have to click into each post to read it. I went back and forth on this a lot, but I ultimately decided to go with it, because I think it makes the homepage look a lot cleaner. Also, if you’re like me, most of your blog reading is done through a reader, so having to click into a post doesn’t really change much.

2. Advertising options are back! I’ve changed up my ad options a bit, and I’m excited to be back to taking on sponsors. To celebrate the return of ad spaces and the new look in general, all ad spots are 20% off through 2/28!

3. The search function is now located at the top of the page.

4. There is now a calendar on the side for viewing the archives – if a date is turquoise (teal?), then there was a post on that date.

5. The menu options now dock at the top of the page, and the header has a cool scroll animation thing (technical terms, obviously).

Now for a note about my blog designer/husband: I know I’m biased, but the guy is good at what he does, and he was able to make pretty much anything I asked for a reality (shameless plug – he is starting to offer blog design as part of his web development business). All of his work is responsive, so it looks great on phones and tablets too. If you’re looking for a new design, a blogger to wordpress transition, or even a custom website, he’s as good as it gets!

Of course, with a new design, there’s always a chance that things can look a little wonky, so if you see something that looks off, we’re probably working on it!

  • Jessica
    February 19, 2014

    Love the new design!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Annie-The Ranting Latina
    February 19, 2014

    How rad! Congrats on the new design and that’s so cool you have someone so close to help you with your redesigns. I sometimes wish I had that instead of having to rely on…myself (b/c it can get tricky and long no matter how much I think I know : )).

    Yay for WP and design-savvy husbands!

  • Betsy
    February 19, 2014

    Love your layout! I don’t know what your old one looked like, but this one is really fantastic! My boyfriend does web designโ€ฆisn’t it great having someone who can do your design work for you for free!? haha

  • Whitney @ Yoga All the Time
    February 19, 2014

    Everything looks great! I love doing blog re-designs– they’re addicting. I especially like your About section on the sidebar. The conversation blurb is great and I’ve never seen that before on a blog.

  • Jordan
    February 19, 2014

    Love the new design! How lucky are you to have an in-house designer? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Amberly
    February 19, 2014

    I like it! It’s unique and fun!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sara
    February 20, 2014

    I love it!!!! Nice work, TJ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sarah
    February 21, 2014

    Love the new look:)

  • Shane Prather
    February 23, 2014

    Loving the new look! So clean and simple ๐Ÿ™‚

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