Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream
Vanilla lovers unite! Cookies and cream has always been one of my favorite ice cream flavors, but as I’ve discussed countless times, vanilla has always appealed to me more than chocolate does. Walking through the grocery store a few weeks ago, I noticed a cookies and cream ice cream made with Golden Oreos, and I immediately thought about how I wanted to try making it from scratch.

After tasting this, I’m not sure I’ll ever go back to regular cookies and cream – it really is that good! It definitely is vanilla overload with a full bean, vanilla extract, AND vanilla cookies with vanilla cream inside. It’s this vanilla lover’s dream, and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

Printable Recipe
Makes about 1 quart

3 cups heavy cream
3/4 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1 vanilla bean, split in half lengthwise
3/4 tsp vanilla
20 golden cream filled cookies

Combine 1 cup of the heavy cream, sugar, and salt in a medium saucepan. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into the mixture and add the pod to the pot as well.
Homemade Ice Cream

Warm the mixture over medium heat, stirring until the sugar is dissolved.
Homemade Ice Cream

Remove from heat and add the remaining 2 cups cream and the vanilla.
Homemade Ice Cream

Refrigerate for several hours (I let it sit for 4 hours), then remove the vanilla bean pod and pour the mixture into the ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

While the mixture is churning, chop the cookies into small pieces.
Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

About 5 minutes before the mixture is finished, add in the cookies and allow to churn for the remaining 5 minutes.
Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

Serve immediately as soft serve or freeze for several hours for a more traditional ice cream texture.
Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream Golden Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

Adapted from The Perfect Scoop

  • Nadine
    May 23, 2014

    Cookies and ice cream?!? Just sign me up!

    Have a great weekend!

    • ashleynevis
      May 25, 2014

      It’s such a classic combination, right?!? Hope you’re having a great long weekend!

  • Jules @ If I had 100 dollars
    May 23, 2014

    Ugh, my house is war with my boyfriend I and vanilla vs chocolate. Vanilla always wins with ice cream

    • ashleynevis
      May 25, 2014

      Haha, TJ and I are like that too – he loves all things chocolate and I’m a vanilla nut. I think it makes for a good balance though! 🙂

  • Laura Welch
    May 23, 2014

    OH MY GOSH – this is my dream come true! I’m glad there’s someone out there who’s pro vanilla like me! I think I need to get an ice cream maker stat.

    • ashleynevis
      May 25, 2014

      Ahh, a fellow vanilla fan – I love it! We’re few and far between! There are some great and affordable ice cream maker options out there, so it’s definitely worth looking into getting one. If you want the details on the one I have, let me know! 🙂

  • Ashley Bree Perez
    May 24, 2014

    Looks so good!!!! 🙂 I want some now.

    • ashleynevis
      May 25, 2014

      Thanks, Ashley! You’ll have to let me know if you end up making it!

  • Judy Charlotte
    May 30, 2014

    A heavenly recipe, in a nutshell. Yum!

    • ashleynevis
      May 30, 2014

      Thanks, Judy!! It’s definitely one of my favorite desserts of all time! 🙂

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