Spicy Black Beans

This week I made a resolution to get back into menu planning. I went through a period of time last summer where I was really good about planning out our meals every week, but eventually I started completely slacking off. It really is a good way to save time and money in the long run though, so I’m back on the menu planning train. I’ve also decided to try planning by month, instead of by week. I planned out the whole month of May for us, and then put each dinner in a Google calendar, and shared it with TJ, so he can have access to it as well. As I was writing out different meals for the month, there was one theme that kept popping up: Mexican food. We could probably eat Mexican food in some form just about every day, so I’m always looking for new ways to add some spice to our typical Mexican favorites. These Spicy Black Beans do just that – literally! These beans were a perfect complement to simple chicken tacos, and they just might become a permanent staple in our meal plan!

Printable Recipe
Serves 4

1 jalapeno pepper
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
juice of 2 small limes
1/2 tsp salt
chopped cilantro, to taste

Slice the jalapeno in half, and remove the seeds from one half.

Finely chop the jalapeno, and saute in a skillet with the olive oil over medium heat.

Saute for about 5 minutes, and then add in the lime juice, black beans, and salt.

Cook for about 3 minutes, or until heated through. Toss in the chopped cilantro, and enjoy!

Perfect for serving on the side of chicken tacos, on top of chicken tacos, or both ways 🙂

Adapted from this recipe


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