For the past several years, I’ve loved changing my desktop background each month. There’s just something about bringing in a new month with a fresh look for my computer. I guess it sounds pretty silly, but it’s true. This month, I decided to get creative and make my own. I hand lettered the quote, then made a pretty watercolor background and threw it all together. I hope you like it as much as I do! If you’d like to download it, click here.
Speaking of March, how insane is it that we’re in the third month of the year already? Maybe it’s because we haven’t been in our house, so days are out of the ordinary, but time just seems to be especially flying lately. March isn’t my favorite month, but I am looking forward to watching college basketball during March Madness, following along with NFL free agency stuff, and eating some kind of green dessert on St. Patrick’s Day.
Are you obsessed with desktop backgrounds too? What are you looking forward to in March?
March 3, 2015
I really like this wallpaper, It reminds me that there is always better times to come no matter what the current situations is. I will be using this wall paper so thank you 🙂
March 9, 2015
Hey Matthew, so glad you like the desktop background! I love this quote for the same reason you do – no matter how bad things may seem, something better is always around the corner. Hope you have a great week!
March 4, 2015
I live in a tropical country, so I don’t have winter. But based on what I’ve been seeing on the Internet, I know it’s been quite a hard winter for you guys up in the northern sphere. Hope your spring comes sooner and is more cheerful than the gloomy winter 🙂
March 9, 2015
Thanks, Dara! Where do you live? I spent most of my life in warm climates, so now that I get to experience a little taste of winter, I don’t mind it too much 🙂 Still, there’s something refreshing about the start of spring! Have a great week!
March 5, 2015
So, I meant to tell you this a while ago, but this is so on my work desktop right now!!!! I got it in the newsletter. Love it! Keep ’em coming!
March 9, 2015
That makes me so happy to hear!!! Glad you’re enjoying it, and thank you so much for being part of the newsletter! 🙂